COMPLAINT REFERRALS Attorney General of Texas
(Consumer Protection Division) 713-223-5886, 1-800-621-0508
Health Professions
Complaint Referral System 333 Guadalupe St #2-220,
Austin, TX 78701
1-800-821-3205 (to initiate a complaint against a health
professional licensed to practice by State of TX)
Texas Dept of State Health
Health Facility Licensing & Compliance Div
1-888-973-0022 (to report complaints of hospitals)
Texas Dept of Aging and
Disability Srvcs
1-800-458-9858 (to report complaints of nursing & assisted
living facilities and home health agencies)
Texas Dept of Family and
Protective Srvcs
1-800-252-5400 (to report abuse of elderly, disabled &
children) Texas Medical Board
PO Box 2018, Austin, TX 78768-2018
Consumer Complaint Hotline 1-800-201-9353
Customer Service Hotline 1-800-248-4062
Texas Dept of
(for physician/provider complaints only)
PO Box 149091, Austin, TX 78714-9091
1-800-252-3439, 1-512-463-6500
Fax: 1-512-475-1771
Consumer Helpline 1-800-252-3439
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